“I Need To Sell My House Fast In Green Bay!”

We Buy Houses Anywhere In Green Bay And Other Parts of WI, And At Any Price. Check Out How Our Process Works. We’re Ready To Give You A Fair Offer For Your House.

If you want to sell your Green Bay house… we’re ready to give you a fair all-cash offer.

Stop the frustration of your unwanted property. Let us buy your WI house now, regardless of the condition.

Avoiding foreclosure? Facing divorce? Moving? Upside down in your mortgage? Liens? It doesn’t matter whether you live in it, you’re renting it out, it’s vacant, or not even habitable. We help owners who have inherited an unwanted property, own a vacant house, are behind on payments, owe liens, downsized and can’t sell… even if the house needs repairs that you can’t pay for… and yes, even if the house is fire damaged or has bad rental tenants.

Basically, if you have a property and need to sell it… we’d like to make you a fair cash offer and close on it when you’re ready to sell.

How It Works

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4


Timeframe: Once we get your info, we’re usually able to make you a fair all-cash offer within 24 hours. From there, we can close as quickly as 7 days… or on your schedule (sometimes we can have a check in your hand the very same day!).

Working With Sunset Bay Is Simple

We buy houses in all situations and any condition. We’re not trying to list your house. We’re actually the ones buying your house.  Because we pay cash, we’re able to close quickly or when you’re ready to sell. When you work with us there are no hidden fees.
You don’t have to worry about closing costs, inspections, appraisals, or banks not coming through.  There is a reason that we’re the go-to solution for homeowners.

Don’t even worry about cleaning up your property.  We’ll buy your house in as-is condition… no matter how much work it needs

Some of the most common situations we can help with…

  • Inherited Property
  • Needs Repairs
  • Cosmetic Work 
  • Un-permitted Work
  • Code Violations
  • Probate Property
  • Behind on Payments
  • Trouble Tenants
  • Foreclosure
  • Job Transfer
  • Divorce
  • Mold
  • Job Loss
  • Death In Family
  • Vacant Property
  • Squatters
  • Relocation
  • Expired Listing
  • Fire Damage
  • Behind on Taxes

Get A Cash Offer For Your Home Today!

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Need To Sell Your House Fast? – We Buy Houses!

“I’m Weighing The Options With My Home!”

We are prepared to help you through our easy process.

As homeowners ourselves we understand just about any position you could be facing. We have either been there… or helped folks who have.

Avoiding foreclosureFacing divorceMovingUpside down in your mortgageLiens? It doesn’t matter whether you live in it, you’re renting it out, it’s vacant, or not even habitable. We help owners who have inherited an unwanted property, own a vacant house, are behind on payments, owe liens, downsized and can’t sell… even if the house needs repairs that you can’t pay for… and yes, even if the house is fire damaged or has bad rental tenants.

Basically, if you have a property and need to sell it… we’d like to make you a fair cash offer and close on it when you’re ready to sell.

What If You’ve Already Tried To Sell Your House?

Even if an agent can’t sell your house, we can help. (Homes that need work often aren’t of interest to agents.) We’ve bought homes agents couldn’t sell, moved out truckloads of trash, and often say yes when others say no.  We’ll know very quickly if we can help you, and unlike selling through an agent, you don’t have to wait to see if the buyer can get financing… we’re ready to buy right now!

All that hassle can add stress, months to the process, and in the end after paying the agent’s expensive fees, you may or may not be ahead of the game.

 No matter what condition your house is in; no matter what situation or time frame you’re facing… 

Our goal is to help make your life easier and get you out from under the property that’s stressing you out… while still paying a fast, fair, and honest price for your house.

Get A Cash Offer For Your Home Today!

No Repairs. No Fees. Close when YOU want to.
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